Who do you want to be?

Who do you want to be?

The hectic holiday season is over. Let us breathe a sigh of relief. What I find odd is that, when “the season” begins, I find myself excited with the anticipation of everything the holidays signify – joy, togetherness, parties, good food. I even look forward to the endless hustle and bustle of planning, shopping and creating a holiday home.

And then, when they are finally over (please don’t let Christmas and New Year’s occur on a Wednesday for a long, long time), I feel utter relief. Glad to be done with ’em.  Don’t want anything to do with the holidays ever again. I even let my poinsettias die. And I feel horrible (but not too horrible) about that.

With the start of a new year, I am ready to get back on track, as they say. Ready to return back to normal life where I can carry a thought or action from inception to completion. Where does my fitness program find itself after the holidays? Well, I somehow make it through the holiday season living my mantra, “anything is better than nothing,” meaning that I slog through with whatever I can fit in between the hustle and bustle. Shorter walks may just have to be enough. A few reps of strength training will have to do. But now, with my pointsettias dying, I am ready to return to a focused and purposeful life.

Here comes my time to re-think who do I want to be? What direction do I want to take? It always takes me time to think these things through. But I can tell you where I am going to start. I start with activity. Simple, purposeful physical activity. Physical activity will shift my thought and allow me to imagine what I can become in this new, glorious year.

How about you? Who do you want to be going forward?