Years ago, I worked on behalf of a company whose tagline was, fitness, friendship and fun.” I never forgot that message as I believe it still rings true today. Finding a community in physical activity can become your rock, the one thing that keeps you sane in an otherwise insane world.

International Women’s Day is March 8. The theme this year is, “#BalanceforBetter.” The campaign speaks to the need for a gender balanced boardroom, government, media coverage, sports coverage, employee ratios and gender-balanced wealth. These issues will drive our world forward and bolster togetherness.

Each year for International Women’s Day, I like to add my own spin.  Find your balance through physical activity from the inside out. There is irrefutable evidence suggesting physical activity has a positive effect on chronic diseases including:

  • heart disease
  • diabetes
  • obesity
  • depression
  • chronic pain

Find your balance through living an active life that fits who you are so that you can offer your best self to the world around you.

If you don’t know where to start, here are some tips to help you grow into an active life you love:

  1. Ask a neighbor to go for a walk.
  2. Check out your local recreation department for group exercise classes.
  3. Check out MeetUp for group hikes.
  4. Order my book, “Off the Couch: How to Find Joy in Physical Activity Even if You Hate to Exercise.”

International Women’s Day can serve as a reminder that we are in this together and that there is strength in numbers. Go for a walk, dance or go for a bike ride. And bring a friend along, too.