I am not an early morning person. I function best when I brew my cup of coffee, read the morning paper and then get going with my day. This morning routine ranks in my top 5 most important rituals. However, when the onslaught of heat, humidity and thunderstorms hit, I realized that I was going to have to change my routine if I wanted to remain active over this long hot summer.
So for the past week, I made a goal for myself that, on the days I don’t have clients, get up and out the door by 6:30am for a 45 minute walk with my dog. The coffee ritual was on the back burner. Hold the applause. This is not dedication – this is desperation. What I realize after being in this business for so many years as well as from my past delinquent behavior is sometimes routines need to change to accommodate stuff – in this case, hot weather.
If you find yourself less active over this summer, here are 4 options to help maintain an active life despite the heat:
- Divide the day into segments of morning, lunch, afternoon and evenings and weekends. If you are looking to avoid heat, can you squeeze time in the morning or evening? A 15 minute walk a couple times in a day can add up over the course of a week.
- Try another activity. Check out your local YMCA or recreation department for alternative activities. For example, water activities are a great way to cool off. If pressed for time during the week, maybe this could work for the weekend?
- Join a gym. It is much easier to exercise in an air conditioned space. I dropped my gym membership last year and I am considering re-joining just for the summer.
- When the alarm goes off in the morning, don’t ruminate – have your clothes and shoes by your bed. Get up and get going. Don’t think.
Remember – there is no perfect solution to environmental challenges. The best we can do is simply do the best we can – as long as it’s something.
In my neck of the woods, summer continues through September and even part of October. It long, hot, dry and beautiful.