I lead evidence-based coaching programs on fitness, strength training, and fall prevention for older adults.

Get my free guide, “How to Get Active and Stay Active: 5 Insights to Shift Your Attitude”

 Hi, I’m Melissa

I have worked in the fitness industry for over 30 years and here is what I know for sure: lasting success is an inside job; the best education or advice cannot create change for someone else. I’ve seen too many people try and fail with exercise. I had to ask myself, “How can I empower people to live an active life that sticks?

Thankfully, I found health coaching. 

I develop programs that help create change from the inside out. Your members will gain clarity and self-acceptance as they discover their platform and foundation for living an active life.


Get Active, Feel Balanced & Live Your Best Life

Years ago, I worked on behalf of a company whose tagline was, “fitness, friendship and fun.” I never forgot that message as I believe it still rings true today. Finding a community in physical activity can become your rock, the one thing that keeps you sane in an...

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Open Enrollment 2018: 5 Tips to Use Your Health Plan LESS

It’s open enrollment season! Another year has passed and not much has changed. We continue to spend 84% of our healthcare dollars on chronic diseases and, in the last 50 years, US healthcare spending has risen 818% compared to 168% increase in GDP and 16% in wages,...

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How to Use Open Enrollment to Serve Your Health

How to Use Open Enrollment to Serve Your Health

At a recent meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine in San Diego, Dr. Robert Sallis, Chairman for the American College of Sports Medicine’s Exercise is Medicine Initiative stated, “there is irrefutable evidence for exercise in the primary and secondary...

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