Now that the 2016 Olympic Games are over, I find myself thinking how the Games can become relevant to us everyday folks.
What I really like about watching the Olympics are the athlete personal backstories. Where they are from, what drove them to compete at this level, what keeps them motivated and what will they do now that the games are over. I heard a couple of interviews with swimmers Katie Ledecki and Michael Phelps. They both remarked during their interviews about how, when their alarms go off in the wee morning hours, the last thing they wanted to do was get in the water. How when they wake up feeling all warm and cozy, the thought of jumping in the water is simply dreadful.
I think there is a misconception that elite athletes are so focused that there is no room for lamenting upcoming work outs. So it is reassuring to hear that they, too, struggle at times.
If you are someone who has struggled to find your own active life, here are 4 tips to help:
- Choose one thing. What is the one thing you can do to add activity into your life? For many people, walking fits this bill.
- Commit to yourself what is right for you. YOU choose how long and how often to walk. Write it down and place it where it will be seen. An example is something like, “This week before work, I am going to walk for 20 minutes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.”
- Set yourself up for success. Put your shoes and clothes right by your bed. Or have shoes in your desk drawer or in your car. Create an environment that works with you.
- Remember you don’t have to be in the mood to move and its okay to not enjoy it. Don’t ruminate; just do it.
We all have our own personal Olympics. I have heard it said that the blessing is outside your comfort zone. Here is to moving forward.
Have a great day,