Sit Too Much?

If you exercise regularly yet have a job that requires sitting for 8 hours per day, you may not be as healthy as you think. Where is the justice? According to an article published in the Journal of Preventative Medicine on behalf of the Women’s Health Initiative. The...

FDA Food Label: A Makeover

I love a good makeover. The latest renovation headlines have to do with the FDA’s nutrition labeling guidelines. First Lady Michelle Obama made an announcement today that will unveil proposals to update the current food label which has been around since the 1990’s....

Let’s Move!

; The Let’s Move Campaign got it right. Have they been reading Sister’s blog? Perchance. What they are advocating is Sister’s mantra, remember? Get out there, get moving and have fun. It also doesn’t hurt to have Beyonce helping out. Check out...

From Triangle to Circle

Good news!  The USDA has released an updated nutrition guide.  Goodbye, hello  Now we can get a visual picture of what our plates should look like.  What no junk food?  Where to Hostess Twinkies fit in?  Quick answer – they...

Is Sister from Mars?

Some statistics: – The annual cost of obesity in the United States is $147 bllion. – Obesity rates have tripled among kids ages 12 to 19 since 1980. – Being overweight is the number one reason military recruits are turned away. This is serious.  Now...